Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a french farmhouse look?

here are a few things of the things i painted on Sunday.
they got a coat of white paint with a brush and then i rubbed
it off slightly with a rag.
the timber top on this table was such a lovely colour i didn't want to cover it up.
i almost left it as is, but decided to rub the smallest amount of paint over some of it.
i resisted sanding the edges back (which i do on most pieces)
and here's the result.
the rolling pin and tray took only a couple of minutes each to makeover.

this magazine holder now has a whitewashed look to it.
i was thinking it could also be used to hold children's books, or a child's
collection of art.
you can see what these pieces looked like in the post before this one.
Mike and i are off on a 'date' day today while the girls are at school!
coffee, lunch, shopping, uninterrupted conversation....
can't wait!
Kate x
linked up with a stroll thru life
house of grace
beach cottage


  1. Love your little table. The rolling pin looks like it has a dusting of flour on it and has seen years and years of use. Love it!


  2. You definatley need to set up a shop Kate! Love it all.
    Pam x

  3. I agree with Pam. How exciting to have a 'date' day. Enjoy!!

  4. Great makeovers. Hope you had a lovely date day :)

  5. Adore the rolling pin:*~:*~:*~:*~


  6. They are really lovely pieces Kate and yours is a wonderful composition :)
    Claudia xo

  7. Love the white finish. It looks perfectly aged and you have such pretty pieces. Painting the rolling pin is such a great idea. Very pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  8. My favourite is definately the rolling pin :) I am still loving your beautiful Aussie blog . So glad I'm following xx Ava

  9. The rolling pin looks great! I am redoing my kitchen in a French Farmhouse motif. I can't for it to be done.

    I am having a fun giveaway on Tuesday. I hope you will stop by to enter.

    Have a great week! La

  10. I saw your post after Marty at "A Stroll Thru Life" featured it as one of the best at her party this week. You make whitewashing look easy...you are an inspiration to me.
