Saturday, April 20, 2013

peacock chair makeover

here's my newest love. found on eBay.
a week and a half ago, i was sitting in one of these in Bali wishing i could bring it home!
i've been on the hunt for one of these babies for about 6 months. i found lots in Melbourne, but a courier was going to charge around $350 to get her to my door. umm, thanks but no thanks.
so when this one came up on eBay i crossed my fingers and bid at the last minute.
she was bought in Bangkok in the 70's and bought to Australia at some point. obviously destined to belong to me haha.
my home is in serious danger of becoming overrun with cane and crochet.
surely you can't have too much of either?!
the little stool was recently made over too. it has a reversible cushion.
vintage blue chenille side...
floral side. tempted to keep it as it matches in so well with my chair!
for sale on my facebook page.
 chair before....
stool before....
Kate x


  1. They both look amazing, the white just makes them perfect. Hugs, Marty

  2. I just love the peacock chair white. I know it was pretty before but you just can't have too much white furniture (or cane, or crochet!! ha ha) Kylie xx

  3. Wow. Some lovely pieces you have made over there.
