after being absent from blog world for almost 2 weeks, i'm back!
and it has been a crazy 'almost 2 weeks' at that!
it began with someone driving into my car door as i was about to get out,
my eldest daughter sprained her neck and had one of the worst cases of wry neck our chiropractor had ever seen,
my cousin came to visit for a weekend,
a friend had a 40th,
throw in multiple chiro appointments and work,
my youngest turned 10 today,
her party is tomorrow, the house is a bomb site,
and top it off with an all day conference which was on today!
and in amongst all that, we have been ripping up carpet and painting floors!
and i am THRILLED with the outcome!

our carpet is going on 18 years old, so it was time to get rid of it.
not wanting to shell out 1000's of dollars at this time of year, we opted
for painted floors. all thanks for the idea goes to
Sandy over at Paint Me White.many of you know she has painted her own floors white and has been living with them for 2 years. i would never have thought to do it myself!
so, following what she did exactly, we set to work.
Kace loves to help out. once the carpet was gone, she painstakingly pulled out the timber edge
and concrete nails along one wall. Mike did the rest :)

all the holes and cracks were filled and sanded.
the room was an absolute cloud of dust!

here's the room all prepped and ready for paint.
we left mirrors and pictures on the walls, as well as the curtains hanging.
i won't do that again. they all needed a thorough clean and dust.

after 3 coats of white, it was looking pretty fabulous!
Mike just went around the edges of the skirting boards with a white silicone sealer
to get rid of all the gaps.

the next afternoon we moved everything back in.
i was then up the following morning at 5am styling away!
i popped some fresh greenery from the garden into Grandpa's water jug and
placed this gorgeous basket at the base of the bed. i found it last week (along with
other bargains you will hear about further down) at the markets for $3.
the little white crochet blanket was made for Em by her Great Aunty Phyl when
she was born.

the tablecloth was $10.
the perfect romantic touch draped across the end of the bed.

i'm definitely loving the crochet in our bedroom right now.
it has found it's way onto pretty much every surface!

the floors have a lovely soft satin finish to them, and are actually
warmer to walk on than tiled floors.

$2 English SADLER biscuit barrel filled with flowers.

Kace decided she wanted matching bedside tables in her room, so took ours.
so we are currently going the mismatched look.
I encourage the girls to 'shop' the house for things they might like for their bedrooms.
they enjoy it and i love seeing them think through their own decorating.
if you want to see how i did the frames up above our bedhead, you can visit that
blog post here.
here's a quick and cute idea. thread smaller round doilies onto the
hook of your coat hangers to pretty them up.
top with some pearls.

the floral cushion was $1 and has a lovely Sanderson feel and print to it.
it was originally a cover for a lounge seat.
i took the block of foam out and replaced it with a large cushion insert.

50c vintage choccie tin.

i might get some rugs for the cooler months, but
will enjoy the floors bare over Summer.
the walk in robe floor has been painted too.
it's still a work in progress as we gutted it and will shortly install
a new hanging system to maximise it's usable space.

bedroom before....
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